Take this fun quiz to test your birding knowledge.
Double Clutch is:
A) A technique used by some commercial truck drivers who actually shift gears by pushing the clutch twice.
B) An Autobot from the Transformers.
C) A second batch of eggs in the same season.
D) A technique used by 16 year olds at stop signs on steep inclines resulting in bad smells and expensive repairs.
E) All of the above.
(The answer is upside down at the bottom.)
I took these photos at the zoo Saturday. Yes they’re cute, and I knew my friend who loves baby Mallards would be delighted.
But neither of those commendable reasons is why zoo ducklings are on Bird-Call today. So why are they? Because they are here (or there technically)…now. In July. Ducklings this late probably mean it’s mom’s second go-round. When things don’t go well the first time, ducks (and many other birds) sometimes have a second batch or clutch of eggs. When they do, it’s called double-clutching.
Now let’s see how you did on that quiz.
Answer: (E)
Very good!
(Wait a minute. Everybody got it. All right. Next time I'll have to make the E upside down and backwards. Ǝ)